International Service Organization

International Service Organization

The purpose of the International Service Organization of Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (ISO of SCA) is to further the recovery of those who suffer from sexual compulsion. One of the main functions of ISO is to develop and approve literature for SCA. You may contact us if you, your meeting, your group, or your Intergroup has literature that you would like to propose or if you would like to provide feedback on draft literature.

ISO is entirely operated by volunteers. In fulfilling its mission to be the trusted servant of the fellowship as a whole, ISO carries out other major functions, including these:

  • publishing and selling SCA Conference Approved Literature to groups, bookstores, and the public
  • maintaining this website
  • publishing a newsletter, the SCAnner
  • responding to inquiries from regular mail, email, and our 800-number information line
  • encouraging the development of SCA meetings
  • publishing the International Meeting List
  • reaching out to families and friends, the courts, institutions, the media, and professionals

ISO also maintains contact with other 12-Step fellowships for sexual compulsives and for their friends and families. As part of this dialog, ISO adopted the following Self-Identification Statement for our fellowship as a whole:

Sexual Compulsives Anonymous is a 12-Step fellowship, inclusive of all sexual orientations, open to anyone with a desire to recover from sexual compulsion. We are not group therapy, but a spiritual program that provides a safe environment for working on problems of sexual addiction and sexual sobriety. There are no requirements for admission to our meetings: anyone having difficulties with sexual compulsion is welcome.


ISO service is primarily carried out through three standing committees:

  • The Inreach Committee is responsible for contact between ISO and the Fellowship as a whole.
  • The Outreach Committee is responsible for contact between ISO and those outside the Fellowship.
  • The Fiduciary Committee is responsible for the daily business of ISO.

The primary means for those doing service to communicate with one another is through an email list called ISO-LIST. It is extremely important for all people doing ISO service to join this list. If you are not yet subscribed, please visit the list’s Web page.

Once you have signed up for ISO-LIST, you will receive a password for the ISO website.

The various committee each have their own email:

Business Meetings

Our only face-to-face meeting is once a year at the ISO Conference, held on a weekend, usually at the end of winter or the beginning of spring.

We also have conference call meetings between our annual meetings. They are open to all members of the Fellowship. ISO representatives are particularly encouraged to attend, make motions and participate in discussions.